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Dear Friends,

Church represents the body of believers who have professed faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior, but people are all sinners. Whether we are saved or not, we are still sinners by nature and by choice. In today's time there are charges that sex abuse and child abuse are a mega-church issue. It isn't. It's a sin issue. 

Given we all sin here at Beavercreek Baptist Church we take very seriously protecting you and your children when you participate here at BBC. We have a policy and procedure manual that covers all individuals who volunteer to work with any minor. This covers babies through high school students. Some of the key components to these policies is that every volunteer must be a church member and must have a background check completed BEFORE they begin working with children/youth. We are committed to this process so BBC pays for all expenses for this background check.

We have accountability procedures for staff as well. All staff have had a background check completed. You should be able to come to church and participate in church events and ministries without fear from the volunteers and the staff.  

We are very sympathetic to those who have been abused and taken advantage of anytime in life. If you need help. If you need to talk someone please give us a call. We will do all we can to help you even if that means helping you find solid Christian counseling. 

At BBC we pray God blesses you. We pray you find healing and restoration for all things in your life. Come on by and let us help.

God Bless,

Pastor John  

Posted by Dr John Heading with

Progress over Opposition

I've often wondered if all the opposition I face on a regular basis is new to this day and time or if it's always been? After reading Nehemiah 4 I've come to believe, it's always been!

Nehemiah faced great opposition when guiding his people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He faced many challenges, not the least of which were 3 nearby empires that wanted to destroy them all! The forces launched attacks on them that included: anger, mockery, negativism, intimidation and discouragement. The funny thing about these attacks most of them came from the outside, but a few came from the inside as well.

As believers we face the very same challenges today. When we as individuals or as the church step out to do what God has told us to do, we get much of the same response. The sad part is that much of the attacks are from family, friends and faith believers in the church. Some people are scared to change. Some people have lost hope and believe change is pointless. It seems that the older we get we see change as just time taking away more of who we are rather than seeing it as a growth opportunity.

Nehemiah led his people to do a few things to oppose the opposition. He immediately went to prayer. Prayer is the key. Connect with the One who has the power to do what needs to be done. They had to refocus their hearts. The Bible says they had a 'heart' or a 'will' to build. Many times that takes a refocus of the heart. Nehemiah always had his eye on the enemy and they were ready at any time to defend God's actions for them. It says they even carried their weapons when they bathed. Other than making for a rusty sword, it also highlights the need to always be ready.

How much of a fight do you put up when attacks come before you give up? Maybe you are like the faithful dog that rolls over as soon a challenge presents itself. We are not to give up! God's will for our lives isn't as hard as we might think. It gets hard when we mix God's word with the attackers thoughts planted to distract us. Our God Reigns!! Follow Him and you cannot go wrong. I'm not saying that it's all easy. I'm saying if God gave us the vision and direction He certainly gives the strength to follow.   

Posted by Dr John Heading with
