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Safe & Secure

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Dear Friends,

Church represents the body of believers who have professed faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior, but people are all sinners. Whether we are saved or not, we are still sinners by nature and by choice. In today's time there are charges that sex abuse and child abuse are a mega-church issue. It isn't. It's a sin issue. 

Given we all sin here at Beavercreek Baptist Church we take very seriously protecting you and your children when you participate here at BBC. We have a policy and procedure manual that covers all individuals who volunteer to work with any minor. This covers babies through high school students. Some of the key components to these policies is that every volunteer must be a church member and must have a background check completed BEFORE they begin working with children/youth. We are committed to this process so BBC pays for all expenses for this background check.

We have accountability procedures for staff as well. All staff have had a background check completed. You should be able to come to church and participate in church events and ministries without fear from the volunteers and the staff.  

We are very sympathetic to those who have been abused and taken advantage of anytime in life. If you need help. If you need to talk someone please give us a call. We will do all we can to help you even if that means helping you find solid Christian counseling. 

At BBC we pray God blesses you. We pray you find healing and restoration for all things in your life. Come on by and let us help.

God Bless,

Pastor John  

Posted by Dr John Heading with
in Faith, Hope

When Life Takes Over

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“When Life Takes Over” February 16, 2017

It’s hard to believe its February 16, 2017. I had committed in 2017 to post two days every week and here it is roughly 6 weeks since I posted last. At first I thought, I’m really bad at this blogging thing. Then I thought, maybe I don’t have anything to say. Then I realized, “Life Has Taken Over”.

“Life Has Taken Over”: My wife’s cancer treatments, my anemia & kidney stones, a special needs child, a daughter who is a senior in college, the dog is on seizure meds now, and preparing to preach and teach every week. It sounds like whining, but it really isn’t intended to be. It’s a statement of fact. “Life Has Taken Over”. Ever sit in church on Sunday and say, “I’ll make this week count for Jesus!” only to wake up and realize it’s Friday and wonder where the week went?

What do you do when “Life takes over”?

  1. Let urgency run you. If we are not mindful we will not have a life, but life will take over. Control is surrendered to the events and urgencies of the day. We forsake the important for the squeaky wheel.
  2. Just give up! How easy is to become overwhelmed and just give up? No fuss, no muss. Park myself in my chair, grab the remote, and let life have its way.


  1. Choose to make a Choice. Taking control doesn’t happen by accident. We have to make a decision to take control. Get yourself on a calendar and prioritize those things that are important. The key here is you have to say NO to those momentary distractions to focus on completing a task that really needs to get done. Decide to make a choice!
  2. Take captive your thoughts. Paul teaches us this. 2 Corinthians 10:5 (ESV)
    We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ”. Don’t let the Thought Train take you down a track you don’t want to go.
  3. Trust the Lord. Proverbs 3:5 (ESV)
    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” When “Life Takes Over” we must trust the Lord and stop trying to figure it all out. Our understanding of our life circumstances may not be as true as you think they are. More than that, what we think we should do in response to those circumstances may not be as right as we think. Our ways are not God’s ways, so why would we trust our thinking over God’s?
  4. Keep your walk with the Lord going. I was taught to never change directions in a storm because now you really don’t know where you are going. Tired? Weary? Don’t think anyone cares? Stopping your faithfulness will not get you where you need to be. Get up, go to church. Get to your small group. If you can’t read your Bible today, listen to Christian music, listen to an online Bible reader, watch a sermon online from your pastor, DO SOMETHING to stay in walk with the Lord.

 What do you do when “Life Takes Over”?

As Moses spoke to Israel at the passing of leadership to Joshua he spoke from the Lord these words, Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 (ESV)  

“He will not leave us or forsake us.” So don’t you give up! Make a choice to live a life that directs attention to the Lord. Don’t let Life Take Over.



Posted by Dr John Heading with
Tags: giving, life, up
